Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday, February 18 Visiting shops in Dakar

My SIL colleagues here in Dakar are showing themselves to be extremely hospitable, taking care of all of my meals with abundant generosity. My day today was a full one and included shopping for souvenirs for my family members who weren’t privileged to accompany me on this trip, picking up the clothing that I had ordered from a local tailor before leaving for the Casamance, and meeting with one of my paper money contacts from two weeks ago. Touré Seymi (“today say me”) was once again my guide, arranging transportation by taxi when we needed to travel further than was reasonable to walk, taking me to different places in the city where I could find the various things on my shopping list. We left the SIL Center at 8:30 and returned around 4:00. I was very tired but happy with what I had found, and Touré was content to have been able to help.

Kevin Warfel

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