Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday, February 5 A day of rest

Today was a day of rest, as it should be. I went with David and Janet to church and did some preparation for our departure tomorrow.

Here’s a prayer request: David and Janet’s Mitsubishi Pajero broke down on the 10-hour trip home from the eastern part of the country last weekend. More specifically, one of the pipes in the engine-cooling system ruptured, causing the engine to overheat so quickly that no warning lights even came on before the pistons seized up. David got the vehicle towed back to their home here in Ziguinchor, where a mechanic has been working on it for the past five days or so. He took the whole engine apart, ordered new parts to replace those that were damaged, and is putting it all back together. As of this evening, it was still not working, however. So we are going to Plan B for traveling to the workshop location tomorrow, traveling by taxi instead of in David’s Pajero. Please pray that the mechanic is able to get the Pajero working soon.

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