Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday, July 10 - Word Collection Day 1

I could sense this morning that the participants of this workshop were chomping at the bit, so we kept the opening remarks fairly short, dividing the whole group into six smaller ones for the purpose of collecting words and allowing them to be off and running by 8:30. Enthusiasm was high all day long. This was most evidenced by the fact that, when it was time for the coffee break, people were slow to turn up, and when they did, it was to grab a cup of coffee and head back to where their group was working.
Sparse attendance at coffee break
At least one group got an early start on the afternoon session, which was scheduled to begin at 2:00. Their excessive zeal caught up with them later on, however, when I found them all stretched out on benches with their eyes closed. When I asked them what was going on, they explained that they had gotten an early start and now needed to rest for a bit, so I let them have their deserved break. The total number of words collected on this first day was 1,597.
One of the word-collection groups

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